Friday, July 31, 2015

Two MORE Years!

If it had happened that today was May 2nd, then it would have seemed a definite sign -- every two years, like clockwork, I get the itch to write in my blog.  It's been a little more than that this time around, however, so I guess it's not a weird supernatural timing thing.  :-)

But, lo and behold, it has been about two years since the last time I posted.  Interestingly enough, the history dashboard on the blog shows there was a view yesterday.  I must assume that was my mother-in-law, who commented sometime recently (though, in actuality, "recently" probably really means six to nine months ago) that she still checks out my blog occasionally, to see if there's new content.  Well, hi Mom!  :-)

So, what's been going on, you ask?  A lot happens in two years, but a few highlights come to mind:

  • My wife and I sold our house and moved out of New Hampshire.  It was a beautiful house that we really loved and the town was great, but it was an hour or more from nearly everything we did.  We moved much closer to where most of our life happens, and while my commute didn't magically disappear, it did get a bit shorter and now I spend several fewer hours a week in the car, time that I can invest in other fun and/or personal development projects (and sometimes those are the same things!).
  • I had my gall bladder removed.  Yeah, that was a hoot.  Nothing quite like a gall bladder attack that sends you to the emergency room on the day you're packing up the moving truck to move to a new state!  Maybe I'll give you the full details in a future post.
  • I've been in a lot of community theater shows.  I spent a prodigal year doing shows with groups other than the troupe my wife runs -- three comedies with three different groups, and two of those musicals -- and then I returned to my wife's troupe for a couple of very lighthearted romps: Rabbit Hole and Romeo and Juliet.  (Yes, my characterizing those shows as lighthearted is me being tongue-in-cheek.)
  • The big secret project that I was working on at Amazon and could not tell anyone about (damn, but that was tough sometimes) finally launched and became public knowledge and has so far been extremely well received by the public.  If you haven't heard of the Amazon Echo, you should check it out!
And about a million more things, but an exhaustive list is not what you want to read, I'm sure, and I have to save something to serve as fuel for the fire if I'm going to write more frequently than biannually...

Okay, enough for now.  There are a number of thoughts floating around in my head, of course, and the urge to spill some metaphorical ink comes at a time when I'm thinking seriously about what I'm doing and where I'm going, so there may be some of those musings in this space in the days ahead.  I say, "may be" because, well, look at my track record...